Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

I apologize, I haven't been very good about keeping this updated. We have just been busy working and Eleanor has had a respiratory infection for a few weeks now... it was just getting better and then it started getting worse again. no fever. just runny nose and cough. she hasn't been sleeping the best for a while now. she usually whimpers a few times during the night and one of us stumbles in and turns on her sound machine and gives her the pacifier and she goes back to sleep.

She rolled over twice a week or so ago. but she hasn't done it again since. oh well. she never has liked her tummy. she likes to sit or to stand.

Valentine's weekend hasn't been real exciting. I worked all weekend and Seth worked nights last night and was supposed to tonight and tomorrow but he is also sick with a respiratory thing... but he has a fever too. I am crossing my fingers that I don't get it!

Looking forward to celebrating our 1 year anniversary next weekend. no huge plans. grandma and grandpa Rusch are going to take Eleanor over night and we are going to have a romantic evening at home and sleep in!


Blogger CEBrecht said...

love, love, love that first picture - priceless! so happy to see her this weekend - even if momentarily! hope seth is feeling better by next weekend!! Happy V Day!

February 14, 2010 at 9:39 PM  

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