Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Wow! what a wonderful year this has been!.... hard to believe it's been that long already! Eleanor turned one on friday and we had a party for her on saturday. She was a little overwhelmed, but all in all, it went spectacularly. We spent some time outside and went swimming in the kiddie pool, played with all of our new toys and all the guests and ate lots of good food! Thank you to everyone
who came and for all the presents and the help! Eleanor wasn't too into opening the presents... so thank you to cousin Ollie for unwrapping them all!

she is getting soo big! she is walking with her "walker" and has taken an interest in cars. she also has formed an attachment to her plastic telephone that auntie em got her for christmas. She has her one year appointment next week and I will try to be good about posting the stats.


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