Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ready to go BACK

well, for those of you who haven't heard, I hurt my back last week helping carry a shelf upstairs. just a strain, but I haven't been able to work for the last week. today was the first day that I was walking normal and able to lift eleanor comfortably without taking any pills. I go back to the dr. Monday and hopefully go back to work for one day and then thursday we go on vacation!

we are looking forward to a long weekend in Illinois visiting my sister and her family and some very good friends.

Eleanor is getting soo big! cruising around the furniture, trying to climb on things, using her push walker all over, blowing kisses (selectively), pointing to her nose on cue, done with bottles for a while now, and throwing tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants!


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