Life with the Rusch's

Monday, July 25, 2011

half way

It feels good to make the half way point! we had the ultrasound last week and met with the dr today to go over results. Everything looked good with baby. I have what the call a partial placenta previa which means the placenta is partially covering the cervix at this point. It should resolve itself as the uterus grows but I will have another ultra sound at about 34 weeks to recheck it.

Eleanor also had her 2 yr check up today. she got one shot and her led level checked. she did pretty good. she is in the 70th percentile for height and 65th for weight and is right on track developmentally.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hard to believe our little munchkin is 2 already! We had a great day celebrating with family and friends! It was pretty hot, but we still managed to spend a lot of time outside. Eleanor got tons of wonderful gifts and had lots of fun playing with her friends in her new bounce house (from mommy and daddy

Monday, July 11, 2011


Thursday we left for our annual trip to my sister's house in Illinois. Eleanor actually did pretty good on the 7 hour drive. we got there ahead of schedule on thursday afternoon and my mom and Don were still there visiting until friday so we got to spend some time with them too. The highlights were the pool, of course, the kitties- Eleanor loved to follow them around, jumping on the trampoline with nanna and Bailey, visiting with a few of mommy's old friends from high school and all the toys auntie Jess sent home with us. We got back today at about 3. the way home took a little longer due to heavy rains and then getting behind a turned over semi but again I can't complain. It could have been much worse. It feels good to be home though.

Eleanor and Cousin Bailey

Snuggling with Austin (Aw- as E calls him)

My old friend, Kara and her son, Owen (only a few weeks younger than eleanor)

Swimming with grandpa Don

and Nanna Cindy

On the Tramp with Nanna and Bailey

In her early Birthday outfit from Poppa Mike and Joannie

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Feeling Lucky

With the big storm last night, we are feeling pretty lucky! we went into the bedroom and noticed that both windows (around a corner) were covered with tree! we hadn't heard anything hit. we went outside to investigate and discovered the neighbor's tree had split and fallen towards our house and up against it on both sides... but very lucky... no roof damage, no siding damage, no broken windows! in this picture, they had already cut the tree away from the windows.

Last Weekend was my father-in-law's retirement party. We were very lucky to have nice weather and lots of family and friends come out to celebrate! Congratulations Ron!

Grandma and Eleanor socializing

Eleanor and Cousin Ollie. She followed him everywhere!

Just hanging out in the Rocking Chair

Reading Daddy's paper

I have been feeling pretty good with the pregnancy so far. we have some busy weeks coming up. Thursday we leave for our Illinois trip, the next weekend is Eleanor's birthday and the week after that is my ultrasound!