Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, January 21, 2012

6 weeks

my, how time is flying... Benjamin is 6 weeks old already... and wearing 6 month clothing!

Seth is working every day including weekends thanks to forced overtime. Eleanor has been going to daycare during the week and I have started using that time to work out in addition to doing housework and hanging with the Lil man. Eleanor has done great for almost a month without her pacifier and bedtime routine has gotten much smoother.. yay!

Ben is still waking up once a night on average. not too bad. I did get one night that he slept all the way through but that was it.

We had a coffee date/ play date with a co worker and her 2 kids. we all had a great time. Eleanor was talking about it for days.

today we had a visit from the Brecht's and from great aunt Marna. nice to visit and break up the day.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

one month!

Hard to believe Ben is a 4 weeks old already! he is doing well, still a very good baby! hardly ever fussy, and when he is, riding in mommy's wrap usually does the trick. we weighed him at home today ( just subtracting me holding him and not holding him) and he was 11.6 lbs!

We took our first family trip to Chuck E Cheese last weekend. Ben slept the whole time. Eleanor had a lot of fun but she was content just riding on Bob the builder and Barney over and over. and big news.... we are only one day in, but Eleanor has graduated from using a pacifier with only minor tantrums so far.

This is the last week having Seth home from work. I am sure gonna miss having him around all the time. We have managed to get a lot of odd jobs around the house done while he's been home.