Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, January 21, 2012

6 weeks

my, how time is flying... Benjamin is 6 weeks old already... and wearing 6 month clothing!

Seth is working every day including weekends thanks to forced overtime. Eleanor has been going to daycare during the week and I have started using that time to work out in addition to doing housework and hanging with the Lil man. Eleanor has done great for almost a month without her pacifier and bedtime routine has gotten much smoother.. yay!

Ben is still waking up once a night on average. not too bad. I did get one night that he slept all the way through but that was it.

We had a coffee date/ play date with a co worker and her 2 kids. we all had a great time. Eleanor was talking about it for days.

today we had a visit from the Brecht's and from great aunt Marna. nice to visit and break up the day.


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