Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day and more

We have been staying busy lately.  getting outside as much as possible.  I got my garden all in on mother's day and I have been trying to stay on top of the weeds.  Eleanor finally asked us to put her big girl swing up.  We have been taking the luce line when we can and racking up the geo caches.

friday we went to the cities and my mom and Don watched the kids while we went out for dinner with some friends and caught a show at 7th st. entry. (Buck 65)  saturday morning, my grandparents came up and we had brunch.  my mom had planned it for outside on her new patio... but the weather didn't cooperate.  sunday was so hot we got Eleanor's pool out and Maggie and Ava came over and joined us for a few hours.  Monday I had to go back to work so Seth spent the day with the kids and went out to his parents for a while.

and here's the best part... the pictures

Saturday, May 12, 2012

loving this...

It's only begun, really.. but I am loving this weekend so far!  Seth does not have to work, it's nice out, got the garden tilled,  time with the kiddos, grilling tonight and maybe a bonfire and more to come tomorrow!

Spent a few hours outside today.  Ben enjoyed it and eleanor loved picking up sticks and helping mom and dad! 

We are trying to give more attention to potty training Eleanor... not going the best.  any tips are welcome.  Ben has had a cough, runny nose and goupy eyes along with his eczema more often than not since about february... after talking to the Dr at work, thinking it is allergies, not real common in a kid his age but after starting him on zyrtec a few days ago I feel like there has been some improvement.