Life with the Rusch's

Friday, October 26, 2012


 Last weekend, Seth actually got the weekend off.  so we made the most of it!   we visited my mom and Don in the morning on Saturday and then went to the Minnesota zoo.  then we visited some friends we haven't seen in a long time.  Sunday we went out to Gramma and Grandpa Rusch's to try to get some family pictures with all the grandkids.


posing at the zoo

crawling under the coffee table at Chris and Natalie's

Ben loves anything with wheels

getting a ride at Gramma and Grandpa's

Eleanor and  George (the monkey)

Benny, hammin it up on Grampy's lap

Eleanor and Oliver exploring in the woods
and yesterday I turned 35.  I have all I could ask for... a wonderful husband and two of the cutest kids I've ever seen (yes I'm biased)  I had to go to a couple of meetings at work but I made some cake to bring which makes everything better.  afterwords Seth and I took the kids out to Country Kitchen and had a good dinner where the kids were mostly well behaved.  Eleanor picked me out a new watch for work which I love.  all in all,  a great day

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

juice snatcher

lets see.... what's new at the Rusch house... Ben is using a sippy cup now, like a boss.  at first he wasn't sure about it,  now, he routinely steals Eleanor's cup and chugs whatever is in it!  hopefully this means we won't have any trouble getting rid of the bottle! 

We have been enjoying the little bit of nicer weather and getting out while we can.  walking to daycare the last 2 days and even grilling last night.

last Friday was our niece Ada's 1st birthday and we ventured to Brooklyn Park on Saturday to celebrate.  It was a Minnie mouse themed party.  so the kids rocked their Mickey sweatshirts.  a good time was had by all... especially the birthday girl!

last week, daycare did a fun week and one of the days was pink day..... Ben is gonna hate me for this when he's older! lol

                                             Eleanor, avoiding putting her clothes on.

 Benjamin is getting so big!  hard to believe his birthday is coming up fast!

 Eleanor, watching her new favorite show (Doc McStuffins)  while perched on the rocking horse

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I have to say it was a good day

It's amazing how good you feel when you start your day off right!... despite a rough evening yesterday (Ben was cranky and Eleanor was throwing up)  both the kids and I slept in til 745 this morning! (that's got to be some kind of record!)  Seth was on nights and when I woke up he had coffee for me and was making breakfast.  both kids were in a great mood,  Eleanor feeling much better and her appetite back.  I even got a workout in during Ben's morning nap.  We had a relaxing day while daddy slept.  Ben is now on nap #2 and Eleanor and I are having some girl time playing with toys.

Yesterday was pretty good too (before the puking started)  the kids and I went to my mom's while Seth slept.  we had fun playing outside in the leaves and spending time with grandpa and grandma.