Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Autumn fun

First and foremost,  I would like to share that Eleanor is potty trained!  We are so proud.  they are both growing like weeds.  this weekend, we did a few fall things and enjoyed this beautiful weather!  Friday, we went out to dinner at Krazy Ivan's with Seth's parents (very good as usual)  on Saturday, while Seth was working, I made my last batch of salsa for the season, then Eleanor helped me make banana muffins.  we got the bouncy castle out and Eleanor played with the hose and when Seth got home we grilled.  Sunday was pretty lazy until Seth got home at 1 and then we went out to Nelson's farm.  Eleanor loved it and didn't want to leave.  She rode in wagons and tractors and even on a horse.  she got to pick the horse and she picked the biggest one there and she was not even scared!  she also held some baby chicks,  Seth had to help with that because mommy was too scared! lol

what a great weekend,  now back to reality and work tomorrow!


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