Life with the Rusch's

Friday, September 14, 2012

9 month stats

Ben had his 9 month appointment today.  he is 29 3/4 inches (90th percentile) and 20.2 lbs (50th percentile)  he is doing good.  working on teeth 5 and 6.  he had been sleeping through the night but we are having a little setback this week.  (probably because of the teeth)  his breathing has been much better so we aren't doing the nebs regularly any more.  the allergy med is still very helpful though.  his eczema has been under much better control but flares occasionally.

the big news with Eleanor is that she pooped on the potty last night!  pretty exciting!  although it was short lived and she went in her pull up today.  it's still progress. 


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