Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, April 13, 2013

itching for spring

just like everyone else in MN,  we are itching for some spring weather!  there's been a day or two that we were able to get outside.  we have the weekend off but only about 30 degrees today so for lack of anything to do,  we went to McDonald's play place, Ben's first time.  (couldn't get out of there soon enough for mommy!)  and to the mall (Hutch mall, that is) 

In addition to "go"  Ben now says "set, go!"  and runs across the room or pushes his cars down the ramps.  He has a few more words, but none as understandable as that.  He has been pretty cranky the last week or two... teeth and something else.  he has had swollen lymph nodes by his groin.  I took him to the Dr and they thought maybe it was from his eczema.  said I should bring him back if not gone in a month.  today He seemed a bit better, so maybe he turned the corner.

Eleanor is getting to be such a big girl,  changing every day!  I think this is my favorite stage so far!  she just makes me smile all the time.  even when she can tell I'm getting frustrated, she says "mom, are you happy?  and then grins from ear to ear and I can't help but do the same.

Marsha told us last week that she was going to need some medical leave off but was kind enough to find her own temporary replacement so we start with Candace this week.  there are not minimum hours so they will only go when I'm working.  it will be nice to have more time with them but I have been pretty productive lately and getting back in to sewing and that will not happen for a while now.  hopefully the kids like it there and everything will be back to normal soon!

 at the mall of america a few weeks ago

 one of the few days nice enough to be outside...

 Easter with cousin Ada...

 at Grandma Cindy's, playing with Woody and the monsters

 One of Mom's latest sewing projects

 fun with Ben's curls during bath time.  almost time for another cut!

 being silly

 fun at the Hutch Mall!

 McDonald's play land
 can't believe how big he's getting!

 He didn't care about the "rides"  just wanted to climb on the tractors!

 E and her favorite baby ( this week) in her moby wrap
snuggle time!


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