Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, May 23, 2013


 the last few weeks have been busy, but uneventful.  working a lot.  our free time has been spent outside when the weather cooperates.  a few trips to grandparents on both sides.  we even made it to the Valley Lounge Pig roast this year!  good to catch up with some family we don't see so often.  Mother's day I had to work but Seth and the kids brought me lunch and got me some flowers and Eleanor painted me a flower pot.  got 1/2 of my garden in before the rain started, hopefully I'll get the rest in some day!  the rest of the summer looks like much of the same.... working lots of extra shifts due to a new computer system and some recent turnover.  we will make the most of the days off!
 the pretty fingernails that took longer to figure out how to put on then actually stayed on the fingers, lol
 first tractor ride

 didn't take too long to figure this out

 looking nice for mothers day at grammy's

 cooling off on the hottest day so far


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