Life with the Rusch's

Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day

After what feels like forever, it finally feels like summer! 

For father's day we let daddy sleep in (til 7! lol) and then made him breakfast.  we gave him 2 shirts, a mickey mouse one eleanor picked out and one they made at daycare with their footprints on it that say "my kids walk all over me"  then we went to Mankato to see my dad who we havent seen in a while and finally got to meet Joanie's daughters Jen and Jessica and their families. 

today is my last day off before working 10 in a row and it is such a nice day!  I thought about going to the zoo but grammy had plans and I wasn't brave enough to take both kids myself so we went out to Piepenberg for a bit and played in the sand and the edge of the water.  It was a beautiful morning and the water wasn't nearly as cold as I thought it would be.  after about an hour and a half Ben had enough though....

here's some pics.  enjoy this beautiful weather!

 time for a walk!

 Ealeanor LOVES the water!

 Ben LOVES the dirt!

 Ben loved to climb up to the big kid slide at the park

 Eleanor was playing store... she was selling food for baby rabbits... lol

 I love this one!
 What a wonderful morning at the beach!


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