Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, February 25, 2010

On the mend

well, it's been about 2 weeks since we all got sick. I am feeling much better. Eleanor is still on antibiotics and doing quite a bit better. she still has a cough and runny nose but no fever and not so cranky. she's even back to sleeping through the night for the most part.

Seth had his appointment for his hand today. it is looking about 75% better, still oozing a little, but much improved. we found out that the bone is not involved. that is very good news! they did refer him to a surgeon mid march to talk about removing the cyst after the infection is under control or they think it will keep coming back. but we will have to see what the surgeon says. he got the clear to go back to work monday and to just call if we thought the antibiotics needed to be extended for a few more days.

so, all in all, we are on the mend and looking forward to getting back to normal!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just when we thought we were getting better...

yesterday afternoon we were feeling better and we even made a spur of the moment trip to the cities to visit grandma and grandpa Tousignant. on the way there Seth showed me that his finger had gotten much worse. (flashback... pretty much as long as I've known him he's had a "ingrown hair" bump on his ring finger. its gotten better and worse over time but never anything to really worry about. Superbowl sunday, he noticed he lost his wedding ring and then showed me the bump had grown quite a bit. and it was a little tender. we discussed he should get it looked at but then this respiratory stuff came up. then he started the antibiotics for "the crud" and yesterday his bump started hurting more) so in the car, he shows me his bump is a bit larger and "angry looking" and his whole finger and up into his hand is now red and warm. he made an appointment for monday.

then this morning, we woke up to Eleanor having a fever of 101.2 so I decided to take her into the clinic. and Seth's finger was even worse so he went in too. Eleanor is ok but was started on antibiotics since it's gone on so long. Seth's finger was numbed and drained ("a lot of cottage cheese like stuff") and they cultured it to see what kind of infection it was. he also had an xray and they found a "spot" on his bone that may be bone infection so they want the radiologist to look at it and he will go back in next week to find out.

I am feeling ok for the most part. just "the crud" hanging on, but the best out of the 3 of us.
I will update as things progress.

Friday, February 19, 2010

stir crazy

well, we have all had the sickness for almost a week now and it seems to be getting a little better. Seth finally went to the clinic yesterday where he was told he had "the crud" and was put on antibiotics. Eleanor and I have still managed to avoid the fever which is great. we both still have runny noses and occasional coughs but thing seem to be getting better than worse. It's been a long week and we were feeling a little stir crazy so we bundled up and went out to play in our "homemade sled" looks goofy but it worked just fine! lol. Eleanor just chilled. no big smiles, but no crying either. we didn't stay out real long.

also, last night was the first night in about a month that Eleanor didn't wake up during the night! Yeah! that was wonderful!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

I apologize, I haven't been very good about keeping this updated. We have just been busy working and Eleanor has had a respiratory infection for a few weeks now... it was just getting better and then it started getting worse again. no fever. just runny nose and cough. she hasn't been sleeping the best for a while now. she usually whimpers a few times during the night and one of us stumbles in and turns on her sound machine and gives her the pacifier and she goes back to sleep.

She rolled over twice a week or so ago. but she hasn't done it again since. oh well. she never has liked her tummy. she likes to sit or to stand.

Valentine's weekend hasn't been real exciting. I worked all weekend and Seth worked nights last night and was supposed to tonight and tomorrow but he is also sick with a respiratory thing... but he has a fever too. I am crossing my fingers that I don't get it!

Looking forward to celebrating our 1 year anniversary next weekend. no huge plans. grandma and grandpa Rusch are going to take Eleanor over night and we are going to have a romantic evening at home and sleep in!