Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Elle's First Road Trip

we just got back from a much needed vacation to IL. we stayed with my sister and visited a few of my dearest oldest friends, did lots of swimming and talking and eating. we went to the petting zoo/ park and we got my niece Bailey hooked on geochaching. Eleanor even got her first haircut while we were gone. (thanks again, Kate!) we had a wonderful time despite a slight rough start.... the car died on the way down.... 1 block from our destination. it ended up needing a new alternator and was done the same day. it could have been a lot worse. we drove during the night both ways and that is the way to go with a small child for sure. she did really well.

It was over too fast and I already miss my friends and family... can't wait to go back next year!


Blogger CEBrecht said...

glad you guys had a great trip! I'm sure it was over too quick - they always are! Sorry about the car but I am glad all else was wonderful! see you next weekend!

August 10, 2010 at 9:30 PM  

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