Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

family update

Eleanor meeting her cousin Ada

me enjoying some snuggle time with Ada

playing with a monkey baby at grandma Cindy's


Last Thursday, We went to Brooklyn Park to meet our new niece/ cousin, Ada. She is quite precious! She was still pretty sleepy and we all got in some snuggle time. Eleanor had a blast playing with cousin Oliver and did not want to go home!

Back to work for Seth and I for the weekend and Eleanor went on a camping trip with her Daycare family! I got lots of updates and a few pictures over the weekend. It went well and when I picked her up sunday night, she was excited to tell me all about it!

Tuesday and wednesday, got some work done around the house, washed and put away all the baby clothes. Seth got some work done at the biscay house. For my birthday, Tuesday, we went out to eat at country kitchen with Seth's parents. It was a nice, relaxing day.

Eleanor got some new socks... toy story and dora and she wore 3 pairs at a time for 2 days until we could finally convince her to change them.

The pregnancy is going well... only 6 weeks to go. but I did get started on insulin for my gestational diabetes. right now we are doing just at night and we will see if we have to add it during the day or not. I am a little worried about taking it during the day because my job can be unpredictable and I don't always get to eat on time. Along with the insulin comes extra monitoring, so in addition to my regular doctor appointments, I will need to go to the ob department twice weekly for nst's (fetal monitoring) and see the ob gyn for a consult.


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