Life with the Rusch's

Monday, November 7, 2011

30 days

Auntie Em reading books

the cousins

on Halloween

so tired she fell asleep eating pizza!

well, only 30 days to go! It's coming up quick, believe it or not. I had another ultrasound last friday and everything looked good. weight was estimated at 6 lbs 13 oz. I started my twice a week monitoring and everything looks fine. We are trying to get organized around the house and realized Eleanor's stuff has taken over! now to try to find room for another one's stuff!

Seth started back to 3 crew so evenings this week and days the next. an adjustment for us all.

last saturday, Seth's parents had a get together to meet Ada. Seth had to work, but Eleanor and I went. It was nice to see everyone and get some snuggle time with miss Ada. I cheated and had some of Teryl's pumpkin dessert and it was totally worth it!


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