Life with the Rusch's

Friday, March 30, 2012

Baptism and more

cousins. ben and ada. 2 months apart.

Ben and Eleanor riding the train

Last saturday, Benjamin was baptized. My sister, Jessica and her husband, Curt were sponsors and drove all the way up from Illinois for the weekend. We were blessed with a fantastic day in March for the occasion. we were joined by my dad and Joanie and Seth's parents and the Brecht's as well as my sister's family for dinner before church and my mom and Don met us at church and joined us afterward. my sister took tons of pictures but I don't have them to add on here but if you are interested, you can see them at

Eleanor's newest passion is puzzles. She will do them for hours. She can do the 24 piece ones all by herself. She still loves learning and abcs and counting and doing projects. today we did some easter eggs and she had fun with that!

Benjamin is getting so big! we are battling with eczema. as soon as it clears up, it comes right back. he has it all over. doesn't really seem to bother him... it just looks rough. we have his 4 month appointment coming up on the 10th. I will be sure to update with all his stats. and oh, I almost forgot to mention, he has slept through the night for 3 nights in a row now! I am one happy mommy!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

busy, busy

We have had a busy weekend so far. Eleanor especially. She had a "first date" as she is referring to it with Grammy and Grampy at the MOA to go on rides on friday. She loves looking at the pictures and reliving everything. Ben went to daycare that day so mommy could have a wonderful undisturbed nap.

Seth had to work overtime this weekend, so the kids and I ran to the cities and went to the zoo with my mom on this glorious spring like day. we had so much fun! Eleanor is carrying around her Dora purse (a gift from friday) and her monkey and Ben's otter (gifts from today) and talking non stop about both trips.

and Sunday.... we relax at home!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ceto the bear

Big Smiles for "Sherrif Woody"

Daddy and Benjamin

My smiley little man

My 3 favorite people!

Still cute... even when he's crying

we are still getting over sickness in our house... it's been almost a month for Ben and his cough is still hanging on... maybe a little better now. He was super fussy yesterday at Marsha's but we think we pinned that down to mom eating some spicy food. I guess I will have to be more careful about what I eat for a while! he was super happy and smiley today though.

Eleanor has been a riot lately! when she stayed at my Mom's a few weeks ago, she played what she calls "Honky Tonkin" (a country version of Just Dance) which my mom sent home with us... Seth and I could only stomach so much Achey Brakey Heart so we put on Just Dance which she calls "Rockin and Rollin" she loves to watch mommy and daddy groove. she tries too sometimes. Her favorite song on that one is the Beastie Boys.. Body Movin.

Seth solved the mystery of how Ceto got his name. Eleanor doesn't name her stuffed animals and dolls... they are "baby, bear, monkey" etc. a few months ago she started calling one of her Bears Ceto and it stuck, she always refers to him as such and he is her favorite. we couldn't figure out where the heck that came from... then Seth was watching Dora with her and Dora referred to her teddy bear as Osito. spanish for teddy bear! she is so smart!


bye, bye Beardie!

It was time!