Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ceto the bear

Big Smiles for "Sherrif Woody"

Daddy and Benjamin

My smiley little man

My 3 favorite people!

Still cute... even when he's crying

we are still getting over sickness in our house... it's been almost a month for Ben and his cough is still hanging on... maybe a little better now. He was super fussy yesterday at Marsha's but we think we pinned that down to mom eating some spicy food. I guess I will have to be more careful about what I eat for a while! he was super happy and smiley today though.

Eleanor has been a riot lately! when she stayed at my Mom's a few weeks ago, she played what she calls "Honky Tonkin" (a country version of Just Dance) which my mom sent home with us... Seth and I could only stomach so much Achey Brakey Heart so we put on Just Dance which she calls "Rockin and Rollin" she loves to watch mommy and daddy groove. she tries too sometimes. Her favorite song on that one is the Beastie Boys.. Body Movin.

Seth solved the mystery of how Ceto got his name. Eleanor doesn't name her stuffed animals and dolls... they are "baby, bear, monkey" etc. a few months ago she started calling one of her Bears Ceto and it stuck, she always refers to him as such and he is her favorite. we couldn't figure out where the heck that came from... then Seth was watching Dora with her and Dora referred to her teddy bear as Osito. spanish for teddy bear! she is so smart!



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