Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2 month stats and more

We have been busy the past few days...

Saturday, we went to St Paul and visited with my Dad's side of the family. It was nice to see everyone as we don't have the opportunity to get together very often. Eleanor was very good and made fast friends with my cousin Theresa. It was a beautiful day... I am loving this unusual February weather!

Sunday we had a lazy morning and afternoon and then we walked down the street to some friends' house to watch the Super bowl (I did more visiting than watching) Eleanor had fun playing with their boys and didn't want to leave.

Monday, we all went to the dentist (Ben didn't have an appointment yet but was the center of attention) Eleanor did awesome for her first appointment! no tears except for when she tripped in the lobby and gave herself a fat lip and bloody nose. after the dentist, we went to Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Don's for a visit. Eleanor played nonstop for hours.

and today was Ben's 2 month check up. he was 24.75 inches and 12 lb 13 oz. 96th percentile for height and 78th for weight. he got his 2 month shots today:( you can tell he's not quite himself... he cried so hard this afternoon that he threw up. not like him at all. other than that, things are good, trying to enjoy this week to the fullest... for 1 week from today I have to go back to work :(

My mom and Eleanor playing with Mickey and Minnie


1st dentist trip

Keeping busy inside

Cousin Theresa and Benjamin

Eleanor and puppy, a gift from Poppa Mike and Joanie

Poppa Mike and Ben in their Harley gear

Grandma McGuire meeting Ben

Eleanor playing at the kitchen counter


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