Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

time is flying by... 8 weeks already. Ben is smiling now! so fun! He LOVES music. when he is fussy, I put my iphone in his lap playing tunes and it almost always calms him down. he also enjoys sitting in his rocking chair and we have even tried out the bouncer! Eleanor is still doing great with him... only mild jealousy here and there. She loves involving Ben when she plays even if its just having him on the floor close to her.

this week we enjoyed visits from a few of my coworkers and their children and also my good friends Derek and Lisa and we went to my mom's to celebrate her birthday.

Seth is still working lots of overtime. This next week should be busy with appointments including Eleanor's first dentist appointment and Ben's 2 month check up. and this Saturday we will be venturing to St Paul to visit my Grandma and Aunts and Cousins on my Dad's side.

nap time

Ben and Clara (my coworker Lori's daughter) they are 1 week apart


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