Life with the Rusch's

Monday, December 12, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Hard to believe Ben will be a week Old already tomorrow! We got to come home friday afternoon and things are going really well so far. I feel better and better every day! It sure is nice to have Seth home with me to help though!

Ben is such a good baby so far... not much of a crier, just when he's hungry. Still sleeping quite a bit.

Eleanor is so proud to be a big sister. She checks on him first thing in the morning and loves to help with him. She went back to daycare today. Getting back to routine should be good for her and let us get a nap in and some cleaning done.

testing out the swing

proud big sister.

Checking Ben out with her new Dr set from Poppa Mike and Grandma Joanie

Poppa Mike and Ben

Eleanor loves to bring Ben toys to play with . She's helping him with a puzzle.


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