Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, December 17, 2011

11 days old already!

Things are still going well here, time is flying. not sure if it's because Ben is such a good baby or because this isn't my first rodeo, but it seems much easier this time around. He's still sleeping a lot, so I know this could all change, but we will enjoy it.

Big sister is still doing awesome! we try to do at least one mommy and Eleanor activity a day. today we baked cookies. She liked pushing the chocolate stars on (and eating them too) sorry I didn't get any pictures of the chocolate monster! we have been painting a lot and made some christmas ornaments the other day.

Today we enjoyed a visit from Gramma Rusch and Seth's Grandma and Aunt Marna, 1st time meeting Ben. Eleanor even opened up and wasn't quite as shy as normal.

Ben's appointment was last wednesday and he was back up to 9 lbs even and everything looked good. My appointment was thursday and I got my staples out and all looked well with me also. I have been feeling almost back to normal.

We are looking forward to the holidays and spending it with family.


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