Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4 months

Eleanor moved her stool to look out the window

Benjamin's 4 month appointment was today. we are going to try a new prescription cream for his eczema because despite the 4-5 over the counter one's we've tried, it keeps spreading and getting worse. he is doing good other wise and right on track developmentally. he was 26 1/2 inches and 14 lbs 9.5 ounces. 90th percentile for height and 45th for weight. he sure didn't get the tall skinny gene from me! He got 2 shots today and so far hasn't been too crabby.

Eleanor's hair was getting long and I asked her if she wanted to keep it long or get it cut and she told me "get it cut, mom, like Dora's" so we went and got it cut and she did so well sitting still and it sure does look cute.

our snazzy dresser

For Easter, I had to work all weekend and seth was home with the kids. Sunday, he took the kids to his grandparents and spent the afternoon there. I unexpectedly got to be on call for the afternoon and joined them there for a little bit and then we got a visit from grammy and grampy on their way home from the cities.

Eleanor and great Grandpa Eleanor and Seth's cousins Mary and Elizabeth

Eleanor feeding Ben a fake potato


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