Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


.  make sure you turn your volume up

Long Week

Most of you know I've been sick...for the last week I've been out of commission with pneumonia.  I got it the day we got back from vacation.... I tried to go back to work friday but I was not ready yet.  I am finally starting to feel better the last few days and I go back to work tonight for a class and then 12 hours the next two days.  wish me luck! 

also this week, Eleanor started swimming lessons and we again tried tackling potty training... still working on it.  and Ben does this really cute thing where he growls very loudly and he shakes his head no really fast.  He is also very very close to crawling,  he gets up on all fours and reaches but then he freezes.

Seth took off work one day last week to help me and he had all weekend off too.  It was nice to spend some time together (even if I was sick) but now back to the grind.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Illinois 2012

last night we got home from our annual trip to my sister's house in Illinois.  we had a great trip this year with a balance of staying busy and relaxing.   the ride down on wednesday went well (we left about 430 am.  Ben slept pretty much the whole way and Eleanor did well coloring and watching movies.  Ben's schedule got messed up though, so the first night we were there, he was up for good at 3 am.  yuck.  Wednesday afternoon was spent by the pool and in the evening, my friend Kate stopped by.  Eleanor had a blast following her big cousin Bailey around.  Thursday we did some shopping and more time by the pool.  Friday we tried to take the kids to the park but Eleanor said "it's too sunny and chose to peel paint off the picnic tables instead.  It has been super hot there.  it was close to 100 every day we were there but actually that's not even as hot as it had been.  thank goodness my sister has a pool!  Saturday we met up with my friend Melissa and her daughter Lily and took the kids to santa's village -a petting zoo and amusement park that was there when I was a kid but recently re done and re opened.  Eleanor had a blast going on rides even though it rained a little.  Sunday was spent in the pool and we headed home sunday evening. We had fun, but it sure is good to be home!

3 and 7

My baby girl is 3 today.... but if you ask how old she is she will tell you 3 and 7.  she is sleeping in this morning...a perfect gift for mommy!  lol  we had a late night coming home from Illinois. (details in other entry)  our week has been busy starting with celebrating Eleanor's birthday a week early, last sunday.  We had a wonderful but hot day with a few family and friends.  Eleanor and the kids had fun playing in the bounce house, the kiddie pool, and the slip and slide.  We had Eleanor's favorite meal.. grilled cheese sandwich and chips.  We also tried a few fun ideas from pinterest... peanut butter frito bars, (pretty good but the chewiness made the frito's taste a little stale)  monster cookie cupcakes (a little dry and very rich)  and kool aid star ice cubes and sprite  ( I liked these).

Eleanor got lots of generous gifts including books, and puzzles and movies,  a new scooter and a big girl bicycle and helmet.