Life with the Rusch's

Monday, July 16, 2012

3 and 7

My baby girl is 3 today.... but if you ask how old she is she will tell you 3 and 7.  she is sleeping in this morning...a perfect gift for mommy!  lol  we had a late night coming home from Illinois. (details in other entry)  our week has been busy starting with celebrating Eleanor's birthday a week early, last sunday.  We had a wonderful but hot day with a few family and friends.  Eleanor and the kids had fun playing in the bounce house, the kiddie pool, and the slip and slide.  We had Eleanor's favorite meal.. grilled cheese sandwich and chips.  We also tried a few fun ideas from pinterest... peanut butter frito bars, (pretty good but the chewiness made the frito's taste a little stale)  monster cookie cupcakes (a little dry and very rich)  and kool aid star ice cubes and sprite  ( I liked these).

Eleanor got lots of generous gifts including books, and puzzles and movies,  a new scooter and a big girl bicycle and helmet.


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