Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Autumn fun

First and foremost,  I would like to share that Eleanor is potty trained!  We are so proud.  they are both growing like weeds.  this weekend, we did a few fall things and enjoyed this beautiful weather!  Friday, we went out to dinner at Krazy Ivan's with Seth's parents (very good as usual)  on Saturday, while Seth was working, I made my last batch of salsa for the season, then Eleanor helped me make banana muffins.  we got the bouncy castle out and Eleanor played with the hose and when Seth got home we grilled.  Sunday was pretty lazy until Seth got home at 1 and then we went out to Nelson's farm.  Eleanor loved it and didn't want to leave.  She rode in wagons and tractors and even on a horse.  she got to pick the horse and she picked the biggest one there and she was not even scared!  she also held some baby chicks,  Seth had to help with that because mommy was too scared! lol

what a great weekend,  now back to reality and work tomorrow!

Friday, September 14, 2012

9 month stats

Ben had his 9 month appointment today.  he is 29 3/4 inches (90th percentile) and 20.2 lbs (50th percentile)  he is doing good.  working on teeth 5 and 6.  he had been sleeping through the night but we are having a little setback this week.  (probably because of the teeth)  his breathing has been much better so we aren't doing the nebs regularly any more.  the allergy med is still very helpful though.  his eczema has been under much better control but flares occasionally.

the big news with Eleanor is that she pooped on the potty last night!  pretty exciting!  although it was short lived and she went in her pull up today.  it's still progress. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

as summer comes to an end

the last weeks of summer have been busy... we went to the McLeod county fair, met up with Dad and Joanie at Flandrau state park, took the kids to daycare so Seth and I could go to the State Fair, had Seth's sister and cousins come over to help us paint the Biscay house and then attempted our long planned "tequila party", and spent labor day at my mom's house.  Ben now has 4 teeth and is crawling like crazy.  he uses one knee and one foot.  pretty cute.  he is also sleeping through the night now (finally!)  Eleanor is doing ok with the potty training.  still needs some work but it is going better than it was.  Eleanor told me she wanted her hair cut "like Woody's"  so we had my mom cut her hair on labor day  and we tell her she looks just like Woody now. 

                                                  She's been into playing doctor lately.

                                                    cooling off with Grandma Cindy

                                                      sporting the new "Woody" haircut

                                        Ben hanging in the swing

 Eleanor and Grandma riding the "roller coaster"  the lawn wagon  down the hill

                                                             doing it all by herself

 Ben sporting his crawling sleeve ( one of grandma's socks with the toe cut off)