Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I realize I haven't been the best about updating.   I have been picking up a few extra shifts at work while they are available and making up for when I was sick.  starting last friday, both kids came down with a stomach bug... puking and the worst smelling diarrhea in the world.  its been 6 days now and I think it is finally on it's way out.  at least Seth and I were spared.

aside from that, Ben's top 2 teeth are here.. 1 broke through and the other will be any day.  Eleanor has been doing great with the potty training but we had to take a little break with the sickness.  Ben is starting to clap.  so cute.  Eleanor got a big girl bed.  a twin day bed my mom gave her.  she loves it and says she wants to stay in it forever and ever.

                                Ben, exhausted after waking up during the night with the runs

                            Eleanor in the bib she picked out so she wouldn't get spaghetti on her shirt


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