Life with the Rusch's

Monday, July 29, 2013

summer vacation

This weekend went on our annual trip to my sister's house in Illinois.  The trip down on thursday wasn't too terrible until we missed our exit due to road construction and added 40 miles to our already 400 mile road trip!  we got there in the afternoon and spent about 4 hours in the pool, which was good because it was the only day that was warm enough to enjoy it!  our trip included a petting zoo,  a few parks, an indoor water park, and a visit with some old friends.

Eleanor had a blast following her big cousin Bailey around and playing with all of her cool stuff.  Ben had a blast chasing around the kitty cat. 

We had a great time, but man does it feel good to be home!

 petting zoo fun

 looking cool in cousin, Austin's hat

 playing at the park

 looking like a big boy!

 Our little oompah loompah! lol

 sibling love at our favorite place to stop and break up the trip


Sorry this is a little late but we have been busy!  on july 16, my little girl turned 4!  so hard to believe!  to celebrate, we finally made it to the Riversong festival that we have wanted to go to since it's first year, the year she was born.  We all enjoyed ourselves (at least for a few hours! lol)  Good music, good food, and lots of hula hoops!

On Sunday we had family and friends over for a party for Eleanor with pizza and cake, swimming and jumping.  good times were had by all!  and now for the pictures.....

 Our little rockstars giving a concert from their  "stage"


 fun with hula hoops

 Ben loved them and they were everywhere

 the cake... (numberjacks for those of you who are not familiar)

 swimming in the pool

 and jumping on the trampoline... cutie patootie Ada front and center

 playing with Eleanor's present from Grammy and Grampy  a lego table

excited about her new baseball bat (because it is green, her favorite color)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Catchin up

sorry, I have not posted in a while... busy few weeks with a few weddings, lots of work,a trip to the zoo and grandma Cindy's, a Bob Dylan concert and more.

first was a wedding for a friend from work at the Crow River Winery.  the rain held off just long enough to do the out door evening ceremony.  then the next day, Seth's cousin Liz married Luke in a beautiful outdoor ceremony at the country club and the weather cooperated beautifully and the kids cooperated marginally. lol (they weren't too bad but it was nice we sat in the back!)

last wednesday, the kids went to Grammy and Gampy's while mom and dad got to go see Bob Dylan with some friends.  it was a fun show with many other awesome bands as well including, Wilco, My Morning Jacket, and a surprise guest appearance by Trampled by Turtles.

 helpin mow the lawn

 pretty ladies... Eleanor and cousin Mary

 one of the best pics I've gotten of both kids together so far!

 and a not so good one at the zoo.  lol

 Eleanor was a huge help putting together the trampoline from grandma Cindy!

Best buds watching tv and snuggling