Life with the Rusch's

Friday, November 29, 2013


I will begin this post by saying we are thankful for many many things.  I am very thankful for a wonderful loving husband,  ( I will go out on a limb and say he is thankful for me too! lol!)  We have 2 healthy, smart children and parents that are still around and help us when we need it.  We have dependable jobs and are able to provide the things we need for ourselves and our children.  The basics.  really, not a day goes by that I don't realize how lucky I am.

This week we managed to finish up Ben's room.  We were not planning on transitioning him from his crib this soon but I saw this bed for sale and we got it.  and it just made more sense to put it up now rather than try to store it until later and haul it through the snow from the garage this winter.  and I will say,  it has been pretty uneventful.  nap time has been a little more of a challenge, but so far, overall,  it is going well in the big boy bed!

I was doing some sewing the other day and Eleanor wanted to make a headband for herself.  she picked the fabrics and helped cut the pieces. 

Seth has had a cold this week so he didn't really feel up to traveling anywhere so we stayed home and had a lounging type of day.  We had a dance party with the wii and then did some bowling.  we played with some of Ben's new toys and watched a few movies.  and we ate.  food turned out delicious!  

And today, no shopping for us.  well, I guess I did get one thing online and Seth ran to the grocery store.  and now I am winding down to take a nap to get ready for a weekend of night shifts.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Celebrating 2

Hard to believe it is almost that time!  with my work schedule and the holidays,  there wasn't a good time to celebrate closer to the actual date,so we did it a little early. 

My mom and Don came over in the morning and the kids played hard.  then Ben took a 4 hour nap and woke up just in time for the party guests to arrive!  We kept it pretty simple.  things he likes... pizza, popcorn, and cake.  Ben got tons of awesome gifts and all the kids had fun playing.  now heres the pics...  thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate!

                                                              all dressed up to party

                                                                  diving in

                                                        cant wait to play with each one



                                                   playing with cousin Ollie

                                                           and with Poppa Mike

                                                                    and with Eleanor

                                                              good times had by all!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween, Dad's Birthday, 1st snow, and more

We have had a pretty full week!  Halloween was fun,  Eleanor was Mike from monster's inc.  sorry I don't have any pictures.  Ben was going to be a dinosaur but didn't want to wear his costume and I didn't want to fight the battle.  we went to a few family members houses with both kids and then Ben and I came home and Dad and Eleanor walked about a 3 block loop.  we ended up with a large shoe box full of candy.  more than enough!  We only had about 10 people stop at our house.  Then on saturday, there was a 4h halloween party at the fair grounds with games and a haunted house.  Eleanor had a blast and Ben was a wild man!

Seth's birthday was monday.  I made him cuban sandwiches.  yum!  and then we got an ice cream cake from DQ.  double yum!  some of his gifts were some bbq supplies, a case for his kindle, and a superman t shirt that Eleanor picked out.

We also managed to get Ben's room a make over this week.  long over due!

and It was slow at work so I got to take call and stay home with my babies and play in the snow.  Eleanor was so excited!  we were bundled up and outside by 8 am! not much for a snowman but fun none the less!

 Ben's room before...

 and after.  we are still gonna put up some car decals yet.   but a big difference!

 at the 4 H halloween party

 fun in the snow!