Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, August 30, 2009

the latest

we have been busy lately working on my house getting it ready to put on the market. we had help from my dad and his friend joanie, and seth's parents too and have the landscaping almost done. now mostly painting and cleaning left. last weekend we went to my grandmother's in st paul and elenor met grandpa mike's family then we stopped at em and corey's for a while. seth has still been working a lot. we are looking forward to next weekend, seth took off work and we are going to go to the state fair and elle is going to spend the day at grandma cindy's

I had my 6 week check up last monday and eleanor came with me. I am doing just fine. eleanor has some newborn acne and an umbilical hernia (which makes her belly button look weird). it 's pretty common and should resolve on its own within the first year. otherwise she is doing well, growing and getting stronger. she holds her head up quite well now.

Friday, August 21, 2009

the dirtiest bath ever!

So I was giving Eleanor a bath while Seth was at work. I was using the tub on the dinig room table. pretty uneventful until I was drying her off. I had her in a towel over my shoulder while I was rearranging thing and she tooted, or so I thought... so I dipped her back in the tub and rewashed her. grabbed another towel and redried her, looked down to discover there was poop literally dripping off my chest and stomach! and then when I was cleaning up, I spilled half the bathwater on the floor! wish I could've taken a picture!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 weeks

Eleanor is more alert now and focusing better. she is just starting to get interested in some of her toys and she likes music and motion. we are starting to get the routine a little and she is usually sleeping 4-5 hour stretches at night. I am still trying to wake up about every 3 hours to pump to keep my milk supply up but I think its starting to catch up with me. I was sooooo tired this morning. Seth has been working 7 days a week and some of them 12 hr shifts so I have been doing most of the baby duties. he helps out when he can though. I left her for the first time the other day for a few hours with my mom while I had a dentist appointment. of course she was an angel for grandma and grandpa and fussy when we got home. here are a few of the most recent pictures.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


getting so big!

can you believe she's 4 weeks old already?! (tomorrow) grandma and grandpa tousignant came out to visit yesterday. we went to a friend's house for a barbeque last weekend and even stopped in at Seth's coworker's wedding for a few minutes. today we are getting a new furnace and air conditioner... yay! and at our weight check today we were very happy! Elle gained 13 oz in the last week! she is up to 8 lbs 10 oz.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

bath time fun

after elle's bath we had fun giving her a few different hair do's and I couldn't resist putting up a few pictures.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3 weeks

Elle had her weight checked today and wasnt quite where we wanted her just yet. only up to 7lbs 13 oz so she gaind just under 4 oz in the last week. The dr said she is not worried but we did discuss some options and decided to try pumping and feeding by bottles so we know how much she is getting and giving her some formula if she seems like she is not getting enough. I did give her a formula bottle when we were out today because it was convenient and she wolffed it right down. so we'll see how it goes. we go back next week to check her weight again.

Monday, August 3, 2009

meeting daddy's side of the family

Sunday grandpa and grandma Rusch hosted a meet and greet for Eleanor. Thank you to everyone who came. It was a beautiful day for it and Eleanor cooperated and wasn't too fussy. we go in wednesday to recheck Elle's weight. I think she is on the right track though, she seems to be filling out a little.