Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, November 27, 2011


38 weeks

with only 10 days until my due date, we are doing a lot to get ready. cleaning and organizing and putting in the car seat, etc.... I am ready and would like the baby to cooperate and just come already! lol. I have been contracting on and off for a few days now but they are not really strong enough. I have been walking and eating spicy food and all that.... my emotions have been running high lately. I must be making up for the fact that I haven't really been very hormonal/ emotional up until this point. I am off work this whole week and then I go back friday. I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to go back, but most likely I will. I have had a stuffy nose for like 3 months but the last few days it has gotten worse and progressed to my chest. I am ready for that to be over too! anyways, sorry to be kind of a downer, hopefully my next post will be much more cheerful as we welcome the newest member to our family!

She's big on books lately

Eleanor's new hair cut


Anonymous Mallory said...

Lady you look great! Hope all is smooth sailing, 10 days EXCITING!!!

November 28, 2011 at 4:07 PM  

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