Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Princess styling

things have been pretty uneventful here lately except Seth has been working a lot.  Pretty much everyday and unfortunately no end in sight.  I have been going through stuff preparing for a garage sale.  We have been getting out for walks when it's not raining.  both kids love it.

today we went to the kids fair at the hutch mall and then Eleanor's friend, Ava came over for a play date.  they got all dressed up and were dancing and shouting "Princess Styling"  so cute!

 can't keep those fingers out of his mouth!  his eczema is definitely improving now with the perscription cream.
 jumping with grandma Cindy on the new trampoline at grandma's house

Eleanor sure loves being a big sister!  It melts my heart when she says "I love him"


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