Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6 months

my how time flies!  My little Benjamin is 6 months already and it's just around the corner before Eleanor turns 3!  Ben is rolling over both ways now... he can sit up but is still pretty wobbly.  he is very smiley and happy.  he sleeps through the night once in a while but usually still wakes up around 3 am.    He had his appointment today and he is 27 inches and 16lbs 10 oz.  84th percentile for height and 35th for weight.  I looked in Eleanor's book to compare where she was.  She was the same height and 2 lbs heavier.  Ben has been dealing with a cough, runny nose, and goopy eyes since about february... we had started giving him zyrtec for the eyes and nose and that has helped a lot but that cough just lingers, so today the dr ordered him a nebulizer machine and medication... with as much as he hates his face touched, I didn't think it would go very good but actually he didn't seem to mind it.  lets just hope it helps.

Eleanor loves playing outside and going for walks.  she has been in to Team Umizoomi lately.  (Seth and I have had our fill).  she loves to color and I cant believe how good she's getting at it already.


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